Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gotta start somewhere!

To the 2013 W6H team: Do you think this medium will work out okay? It would be nice to have a website, but I don't think any of us has the skills or time to create and update it. The address for this "blog" will be posted on the main Route66 site (that address is  http://www.w6jbt.org/2013site/route-66-on-the-air/ ), and people from all over the world can view it for updates. I'm thinking that each of us can have the password for this blog, and we can update it as many times as necessary before, during, and after the event. We can post daily updates on QSOs and bands, and even give hints about where we'll be the next night. Before it even starts, we can add photos and bios for all of us, too! 
